Young Lives latest research into the impacts of the pandemic on the young people in our study is published today, in the Guardian (link below)
Featuring Gabriela, one of the young people in the Young Lives' study in Peru it describes how her life, like millions of others, has been upended by the pandemic, threatening not just her immediate education, but her life long chances of esaping poverty. This article showcases the findings from our Listening to Young Lives as Work phone survey, which you can read more about here.

Young Lives latest research into the impacts of the pandemic on the young people in our study is published today, in the Guardian (link below)
Featuring Gabriela, one of the young people in the Young Lives' study in Peru it describes how her life, like millions of others, has been upended by the pandemic, threatening not just her immediate education, but her life long chances of esaping poverty. This article showcases the findings from our Listening to Young Lives as Work phone survey, which you can read more about here.