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Methodological learning in 2020

This November we launched our ESRC Methodological learning project, with the aim of sharing reflections and learnings on longitudinal research, not only with the desire to highlight our good angles, but to also show the mistakes we've made along the way. As former Young Lives Director Jo Boyden discusses in her first blog:

'I don’t want people to think they can simply take stuff ‘off-the-shelf’ and it’ll automatically work for them. I want them to know the real experience behind our findings, and learn where the pitfalls and opportunities might be.'

We have lots of exciting plans and are looking forward to sharing even more in the coming year, and over the course of the project. But we'd really like to hear from you  - what do you think is lacking when we talk about longitudinal research? Is there any area you have a burning desire to hear about? Complete our quick survey, and help us develop the resources that would benefit you the most.

What's coming up in 2020

We hope you've enjoyed the beginning of our blog series with Jo Boyden. We've already had some great feedback on social media and would love for this project to be as interactive as possible, we welcome your feedback and your thoughts. In 2020, we will be sharing reflections on Young Lives' methodology through interviews, blogs, videos, podcasts and reports designed to support building a community of practice in longitudinal research in low- and middle income countries, and to open a dialogue.

'Without longitudinal data we would never have some of the insights we've gained.

Our first video was from, former DFID Chief Economist and Professor of Economic Policy, Stefan Dercon, where he talked about his experience of working across seven different longitudinal studies. In the new year we'll launch a new video series with Aryeh Stein, who will be sharing his lessons in longitudinal studies across a variety of subject areas.

We'll also continue our blog series starting with pieces on the challenges of longitudinal research and why research governance matters for policy impact. Future blogs will include reflections on how Young Lives has managed risk in longitudinal research across data rounds and the importance of logframes and other management tools.

While we're building a series of learning resources and reflective insights, we're also creating a library of recommend resources - where we'd welcome your suggestions.

We're looking forward to sharing all this (and more) in 2020!


Methodological learning in 2020

This November we launched our ESRC Methodological learning project, with the aim of sharing reflections and learnings on longitudinal research, not only with the desire to highlight our good angles, but to also show the mistakes we've made along the way. As former Young Lives Director Jo Boyden discusses in her first blog:

'I don’t want people to think they can simply take stuff ‘off-the-shelf’ and it’ll automatically work for them. I want them to know the real experience behind our findings, and learn where the pitfalls and opportunities might be.'

We have lots of exciting plans and are looking forward to sharing even more in the coming year, and over the course of the project. But we'd really like to hear from you  - what do you think is lacking when we talk about longitudinal research? Is there any area you have a burning desire to hear about? Complete our quick survey, and help us develop the resources that would benefit you the most.

What's coming up in 2020

We hope you've enjoyed the beginning of our blog series with Jo Boyden. We've already had some great feedback on social media and would love for this project to be as interactive as possible, we welcome your feedback and your thoughts. In 2020, we will be sharing reflections on Young Lives' methodology through interviews, blogs, videos, podcasts and reports designed to support building a community of practice in longitudinal research in low- and middle income countries, and to open a dialogue.

'Without longitudinal data we would never have some of the insights we've gained.

Our first video was from, former DFID Chief Economist and Professor of Economic Policy, Stefan Dercon, where he talked about his experience of working across seven different longitudinal studies. In the new year we'll launch a new video series with Aryeh Stein, who will be sharing his lessons in longitudinal studies across a variety of subject areas.

We'll also continue our blog series starting with pieces on the challenges of longitudinal research and why research governance matters for policy impact. Future blogs will include reflections on how Young Lives has managed risk in longitudinal research across data rounds and the importance of logframes and other management tools.

While we're building a series of learning resources and reflective insights, we're also creating a library of recommend resources - where we'd welcome your suggestions.

We're looking forward to sharing all this (and more) in 2020!