In this summative report, Kirrily Pells and Ginny Morrow highlight Young Lives' key findings on violence affecting children, exploring what children say about violence, how it affects them, and the key themes that emerge from a systematic analysis of the children's accounts from our study countries of Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam. For more of our research into violence in childhood, please follow #YLViolence.
This background paper was commissioned as part of the Ending Violence in Childhood: Global Report 2017 and is also available as a Know Violence in Childhood publication at knowviolenceinchildhood.org/publication/papers-and-articles. It is reproduced here as a reformatted version with their kind permission.

In this summative report, Kirrily Pells and Ginny Morrow highlight Young Lives' key findings on violence affecting children, exploring what children say about violence, how it affects them, and the key themes that emerge from a systematic analysis of the children's accounts from our study countries of Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam. For more of our research into violence in childhood, please follow #YLViolence.
This background paper was commissioned as part of the Ending Violence in Childhood: Global Report 2017 and is also available as a Know Violence in Childhood publication at knowviolenceinchildhood.org/publication/papers-and-articles. It is reproduced here as a reformatted version with their kind permission.